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Cottage town 




Customer: Directorate of construction of transport facilities and communal enterprise "Kievavtodor." Gene. designer "Kievdormostproekt"

Poshtova Square


Project of reconstruction of Pochtova Square in Kiev

Pochtova Square is the only square in Kiev, which leads to the Dnieper River. 

In 2013 our company developed and approved the concept of improvement of a new foot platform.


On the square it is planned to place 14 decorative trees in tubs

In the future reconstruction of the river station will be made. On its roof it is supposed to organize restaurant and an entertainment complex.

We united a difficult configuration of the space consisting of multi-scale buildings, various on function, in uniform composition by means of radial placement of elements of improvement: benches, flower beds, lamps.



The central element of the updated area is the round fountain with a diameter of 17 meters surrounded with benches and flower beds, located on crossing of axes of the existing buildings.


In the center will be installed pedestrian light and music fountain

The project is approved at the highest state level.

In the course of coordination the set of options and decisions was developed.

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